The Mt. Rushmore Of Movies Links

To celebrate President's Day (um, for the first time in my life), I decided to host my very first and likely last blogathon. The rules were simple (or so I thought): choose four things cinematic and create a monument honoring them. Shockingly, many quality blogs signed up and carved some pretty epic faces into the side of an imaginary mountain. Below are the links to the all the blogs that participated, listed in the order I received (and/or found) them.

If it's many years later, and Skynet still allows humans on the internet, feel free to post a link anytime. I'll update with a link back to your blog.

To everyone that participated, I'd like to say thank you for the time and effort. Unless your Fisti. In that case, there simply aren't words.  - m.brown


Created by: asrap virtuoso
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Actor's Voices. 
Materials: Cigarettes and manliness.
When visiting: Close your eyes and listen carefully.
Created by: Sati
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Favorite Male Characters
Materials: Testosterone and profanity
When visiting: Don't say anything foolish, as these guys will f--k you up.

Created by: Szever
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Lesser Known Comic Book Movies
Materials: Rage and a troubled past
When visiting: Leave the spandex at home (you won't need it)

Created by: Fisti
Monument: Mt. Spankmore
Materials: VHS tapes and Kleenex
When visiting: Leave the children in the car (or at home) and please, for the love of God, watch your step! That ain't birdpoop all over the monument's faces.

Created by: Brittani Burnham
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Awful Cry Faces
Materials: Still untapped emotions, onions, editors who work for free
When visiting: No laughing, please. This is serious business.


Created by: Ms. Mariah
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of her Favorite Male Characters in Space
Materials: Spacesuits and red undies

Created by: Wendell Ottley
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Morgan Freeman Characters
Materials: Gravitas and class

Created by: Angela
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Best Books to Movies
Materials: Library cards and a love of the source material
When visiting: Make sure you have lots of time and a comfy seat.

Created by: Thanezra
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Actress Entrances
Materials: Low-cut shirts and high-speed film.

Created by: Josh
Monument: The Mt. Rushmore of Women Overlooked by the Oscars
Materials: Epic talent and estrogen
When Visiting: Dress lightly, as it's going to be pretty hot there. Though I suppose that's how some people like it.

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