Man, Are You Hungry? I Haven't Eaten Since Later This Afternoon.

When I was visiting my cousins in Connecticut a few weeks back, we happened upon Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on TV (in between episodes of Hillbilly Handfishin', sweet Jesus). Patrick and I were discussing how incredibly hot Hermione would grow up to be when my oldest cousin, Ken, decided to ruin our good times. His method? The old time travel question. "Who throws the rock?" Well, they do, obviously. "But who threw it the first time?" They did. "But they haven't time-traveled yet." But they will, that's the point. "Impossible." I'll spare you the rest, because this conversation, like many between family, ran entirely too long and got way too heated. Four college-educated men bickering over the time travel aspect, yet fully accepting of say, Hagrid. Absurd. Do women actually argue over imaginary things? Oh, wait. Of course they do.

What happens if you actually understand what they're saying?
Wow, you made it through that paragraph. Congrats. I was going to just type poop and racial slurs, but since you're still here...let's get on with it.

The point I'm trying to illustrate is that time travel is the biggest mindf--k of them all. When it's a few fleeting moments in a Potter flick - that's one thing. But when it's the crux of an extremely heady scientific movie? I don't even know. No, really. I have no clue. I'm pretty sure I watched a movie about guys creating a legitimate way to time travel, but honestly, by the end, I had no f--king clue. Maybe I fell asleep at a bus station and had a vision while a homeless man curbstomped me. Either way, my head hurts. A lot.

Primer came to me by way of one of the smarter people I know, Father Flem. Perhaps in the morning he'll explain it to me. When he does, I'll probably nod a few times, ask a simple follow up question to feign comprehension. Or, I'll just punch him in the balls as soon as I see him. Should clear things up.

In the garage, I feel safe. No one cares about my ways.
Look, this movie isn't totally incomprehensible, but it's definitely work. It was fairly easy to follow for the first half, but things spiral into madness after that. When you routinely question what the Hell is going on here? it can dampen the mood a bit. Maybe you should watch it with someone super-intelligent. Me? I watched it alone.

In it's favor, this flick only runs 77 minutes (a big plus around these parts) including credits. Though, I must mention, these credits are like few I've ever seen. They run probably a minute total. Apparently it only took like, eight people to fully create this dragon-punch to the brain. Oh, and the internet says only $7,000, too. Regardless of how you feel about the simpulan product, those numbers should impress you.

Just like Emma Watson, or catching a fish with your bare hands...

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