Blogathon '17: Mt. Rushmore Of Movies

Now that we've all finished pretending to actually love someone (other than ourselves) with dead plants and delicious heart-shaped poison bites, let us shine a spotlight on a holiday that means, well, a lot less (or a lot more) than it ever has in the history of the United States.

Today we celebrate our Interdependence Day.
(it's true...I need you)
I'm talking about President's Day, or as the rest of the world calls it: the third Monday in February. 

And in gaji of this...uh, wondrous day, would like to announce our triennial blogathon, the Mount Rushmore of Movies. 

To participate, simply choose the top four of anything cinematic and explain why they should be carved into the side of a mountain forever. Remember, these are real people carved into imaginary rock - so choose wisely!

Whatever brilliant monument you concoct will be accepted, so feel free to take a break from being so damn serious all the time and have some fun. Let down your luxurious hair, maybe unbutton that shirt a bit, and have an adult beverage or two. Because we've got some stone to carve, dammit.

Whether you want to do the Mount Rushmore of Friday the 13th death scenes, the top four Ed Harris movies, or a tribute to Disney villains, pick something that interests you and run with it. Three years ago we had some wild submissions [check them out here], so I have very little doubt you sexy cinephiles can do it again.

Now the business end of things:

  1. I'd like to have all posts done by Friday, March 3rd (where I'll create a master list, linking back to all of your, er, both of your sites), but it's cool if you finish way before that. Or later. I'll update as they come in.
  2. Send me a heads up on twitter @twodollarcinema , reply in the comments below, text me, e-mail me (, smoke signals, Bat-signals, non-verbal cues, Beastmaster handshakes - whatever! when you've finished, okay? Cool.
  3. In your post, please use the rad banner my wife designed after forcing me to do the Truffle Shuffle. Okay, she would never do that...but still. 
  4. Share the announcement with the good people you know. Hell, the bad ones, too. Anyone can (and should) participate.
  5. Be awesome. 

Thanks to everyone that gives this a shot, and even the people that don't. No, I mean it. I'd even like to thank those heartless bastards, too.

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