Blogging Is Not Writing. It's Just Graffiti With Punctuation.

A new record was set at the local cinema tonight. I think I was almost in tears less than five minutes into Steven Soderbergh's Contagion. Yep, putting it out there. Now, there was no weeping mind you, but damned if I didn't tear up right out of the gate. I won't spoil it for you, but if you have a kid, it hits hard. Overwhelmingly hard. Yikes.

My mom is in town and she was cool with watching our son tonight, so me and the wife could go out. Shockingly, I dragged her to another movie that she was convinced she was going to hate (see my Apes review) but ended up enjoying. Now, she wanted to see The Help, and even pitched Moneyball, but the showtime for Contagion worked best, and...well, that was really what I wanted to see. Moneyball looks good, but last night my beating heart was bobbled in Carl Crawford's glove in Baltimore, and I honestly don't think I can manage any more baseball. It might take the 188 days till Spring Training to fully heal. Longer if the Yanks win it. Much longer.

Game over, man. Game over.
While we're discussing heartache and the evils of the world, let me tell you, this movie is scary. Very scary. An unknown virus wiping us out with brutal efficiency is more frightening than any CG-monster ever created. Seeing civilized-life crumble worldwide in a matter of days is unsettling enough, but seeing it so realistically portrayed physically hurts. I have never been so conscious of my hands and face before in a theater (that sounds dirty, but stay with me). I didn't want to move at all. I started to think about the back of the chair and the armrests - and got a bit itchy. Then, a guy in the theater started coughing. I almost shit*.

Bottom line? Check this one out. I didn't want to literally make love to it like I did Drive, but it was still a good time. Well, as much fun as you can have imagining your family die in front of you - but whatever. Minor sticking point. And for the record, Marion Cotillard is insanely beautiful. Wowzers.
 *this is actually my mom's favorite saying.Your mom might say "I was so surprised!" Not mine. She goes with the shit-line. Seriously.

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